What follows is my list of resources of heresies of the Church beginning with the Apostles. I trust you to do the homework and make your own conclusions.

I remember reading a Micky Spillane novel in my near teenage years entitled, “I, the Jury.” I remember it being a bit too spicy for my age but titillating to the burgeoning push of my mind into unknown areas of thinking and feelings. That book came to mind in my Lectio Divina, buried all these years in the dusty bin of discarded books and ideas of yesteryear, those discarded into more substantial values and Christ-centered motivations. I am, and will always be a heretic (small h). A Heretic is someone called out by the first level of my belief as not conforming to the Apostolic teachings that move forward from the teachings of Christ to the present.

I am not usually one to dwell on heresies, but the whirlwind of false ideologies in this age that vie to seduce those who are pusillanimous in their Faithfulness to the ancient traditions and teachings of the MAGISTERIUM (teaching function of the Catholic Universal Church handed down through the centuries), is a gauntlet of constant beatings on the innocence of my Faith. This is where we get the phrase, “He is a pussy,” to denote the Catholic, who, when confronted by the inconvenience of their strict beliefs from the Apostles, waivers, and caves into what is easy rather than what is right.

I keep thinking of how my personal approach to Catholicism at the lowest level of my faith, i.e., knowledge, loving others as Christ loved me, and showing that love by service to others (good works), has fared throughout my lifetime of the ups and downs of belief. I have and continue to be seduced by the world giving me what Christ wants me to become, only to realize that all these years, I have used the same words as a citizen of the world, but the meanings have been totally different.

Like my Catholic Universal Church tries to adapt to each age without prostituting the Gospel or watering down the efficacy of the admonition to “take up your cross daily and follow me,” it shows itself as being bloodied all these centuries by having to cling to the unpopular and seemingly contradictory message of the cross, rather than be seduced by thinking that the Gospel message of Hope and Love fits into my way of life. Christ is the only way, the only truth, and the only life that leads my humanity to fulfill its purpose as intended by human nature. The Church, like a wise mother, gives us counsel that these ways of thinking (Heresies) lead to death and eventual watering down of the message of the cross, that I must walk the way that may be rocky, even though it is the only way. To give each generation the grace to do that, the Catholic Church, for all its cuts and bruises over the centuries, is still the best way to convert the heart to that of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. We have the way, the truth, and the life as preserved through the teachings and traditions of the living Body of Christ in each age.

As part of my Lectio Divina, I went online and looked up the history of the living Church as it came down through the centuries and had to battle these illicit ideas. Some had to say this or that is wrong (The Christ Principle) is the template, but it is the loving Body of Christ in each age that tells the Faithful to watch out for this or that ideology because it is cotton candy, tastes good but has no nourishment.

In my personal adaptation of the Gospel to my life, I must test my individual beliefs against the compounded depository and repository of what are the teachings from Christ, THE way, THE truth, and THE life. I am not the Magisterium of the Church, but I use its wisdom to keep my boat from wandering down ever-narrowing channels of thinking that is a dead end. The Church Universal is not an individual but the gathering of all those who have sought to have Christ as their center and struggled to keep Him as their Lord and Savior through the trials and challenges that each age throws at us.

As one who is a Professed Lay Cistercian, I try to convert my false self each day from the incisious penetrations of evil into my notion of what it means to be a Catholic. Some days are better than others.


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