Month: July 2023

GOD’S SCIENTIST: What does it mean to wake up with the awareness that you are not a chair and discover where it all fits together?

Henri Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.

In my opinion, there are several scientists who are God’s scientists, not all of whom are professional ones. For me, they would be the late Stephen Hawking, Enrico Fermi, of the Fermi’s Paradox fame, plus influencers such as Gallileo, Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, Einstein, Bishop… Continue Reading “GOD’S SCIENTIST: What does it mean to wake up with the awareness that you are not a chair and discover where it all fits together?”

YOUR HERITAGE: Don’t squander it.

Magister Noster is our heritage. You have a heritage of thinking and believing that provides you with authentic love and a direction in life. Don’t squander it with your apathy. From the time of your Baptism as the son (daughter) of the Father, you… Continue Reading “YOUR HERITAGE: Don’t squander it.”

YOUR INHERITANCE: Jewish Commandments and Prescriptions of the Law

If you think Christianity just “popped up” out of nowhere, you could not be further from the truth. The Old Testament is like the first stage of a rocket ship, one that has the power to lift humanity beyond just thrashing around, creating random… Continue Reading “YOUR INHERITANCE: Jewish Commandments and Prescriptions of the Law”

INTELLIGENT PROGRESSION: Ever sophisticated ways of being human.

Henri Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.

I have always believed in the efficacy of the Ten Commandments. I never challenged why these ten and not some other societal norms form the basis of my ethical (the World) and spiritual (the spirit) assumptions about what is good or bad for me.… Continue Reading “INTELLIGENT PROGRESSION: Ever sophisticated ways of being human.”


As one who can only aspire to be a Lay Cistercian, I aim to seek God by moving from self to God.  That word, moving, is actually key to my attempts. Here are some reflections on moving from my false self to my true… Continue Reading “WHAT IS TRUTH?”

MAGISTER NOSTER: With God, there is always a profound dimension.

Reading becomes so familiar and casual that we sometimes don’t reflect on the deeper meaning contained in words. The Sacred Scriptures, early writings of the Church Fathers, and subsequent Cistercian writers, such as the late Dom Andre Louf, O.C.S.O., are not just to be… Continue Reading “MAGISTER NOSTER: With God, there is always a profound dimension.”


My comments are about the ruminations of some people I have met during my past few years in Tallahassee, Florida, and my foray into, which I have discontinued. Quora is a very seductive service where people ask questions and others give answers. There… Continue Reading “ATHEISM AND THE THE CONSEQUENCES OF BELIEVING IN THE NON-EXISTENCE OF EXISTENCE”

THE LIFE: Four Inscrutables

I find it interesting to think of these three steps to solving The Divine Equation (Way, Truth, and Life). Why, for example, is Way the first requirement? I would have thought Truth would be first. Here are a few fragmented scraps of ideas from… Continue Reading “THE LIFE: Four Inscrutables”


Everyone has a center to their life. In fact, I have changed centers frequently, depending on the stage of life I am encountering. My work stage, for example, has worked near the top of my list. I have to eat, so I earn money… Continue Reading “WATCHING THE PLASTIC FLOWERS GROW”

NEW DIMENSIONS: A Fantastic Discovery about the Holy Spirit

You can imagine my surprise when the Holy Spirit presented me with this next Lectio Divina meditation. The Holy Spirit has a sense of humor. I know, you think I am delusional or making this up. Maybe so. You be the judge. Remember my… Continue Reading “NEW DIMENSIONS: A Fantastic Discovery about the Holy Spirit”